Welcome to this self-directed learning module for the Members’ Resource Portal. The topic of this course is about thinking of the everyday ways we can bring enjoyment and meaning to people through listening and watching more.
We’ve kept all the elements reasonably short, so you can find time to fit them into your week.
The course will only take approximately 3-4 hours to complete and by that time you will have:
- Developed lots of new ideas for finding things to watch and listen to
- Committed to ensuring that there is more variety in the day in relation to watching and listening
- Learnt how to develop a themed individual or group activity with a focus on the senses of sight and sound
- Explored the importance of getting outside into the garden more often
You can complete this course on your own, but you may enjoy it more if you do it at the same time as another team member so you can talk about the content and put some of the ideas into place.
The content of the course is
- Introduction from Sally Knocker, the course creator – 2 minute film
- Watching is an Activity Too – Audio presentation – 23 minutes
- Listening as an Activity – Audio presentation – 10 minutes
- Watching and Listening – debriefing questions – 20 minutes
- Making the most of getting outside – video podcast interview between Sally and Debbie Carroll, a garden designer with special interest in care homes – 5 minutes
- Making the most of getting outside – debriefing questions – 15 minutes
- Some case studies to help you put some ideas into practice and to consider the people you support – 30 minutes
- Creating a themed activity for individuals or groups using watching and listening – 30 minutes preparation plus time to run the activity and reflect on the experience – 1 hour (more time, if you choose to do a longer activity)
- Reading – ‘Leisure’ poem by W.H. Davies