The Art of the Heart
Person centred care has been an aspiration for a number of decades. Moving from the textbook to the care setting, what does it actually look, sound and feel like?
You may be in a position where you are expected to train, lead or implement with colleagues a ‘Person Centred Care Approach’.
In this course we will help you explore the true meaning of person centred care and how you can share it with others.
By end of this course you will be able to:
- Describe the origins of person-centred dementia care and at least 4 models of dementia care as they have emerged over time.
- Recognise various definitions for person-centred care.
- Name the 5 personal enhancers and 5 personal detractors, as described by Tom Kitwood.
- Distinguish between working from the brain and working from the heart in dementia care.
- Describe the barriers to person-centred dementia care.
- Recognise the signs of malignant social psychology that still exist in dementia care in the words, labels and environments that hear, read and see.
- Distinguish between working from the brain and working from the heart in dementia care.
- Explain the elements of caring from the heart.
- Discuss the elements of leading from the heart.
How long does it take?
Duration: 7 hours
- Part 1: The video presentations and debriefing questions will take approximately 1.5 hours.
- Part 2: Meaningful Words should take approximately 3 hours.
- Part 3: Meaningful Sights and Sounds should take approximately 1.5 hours.
- Part 4: Learning into Practice should take approximately 1 hour.
Course Content
Part 1: The Art of the Heart in Person-centred Dementia Care
Part 2: Meaningful Words
Part 3: Meaningful Sights and Sounds
Part 4: Learning into Practise