We hope you enjoy the Meaningful Care Matters ‘Palliative Care and End of Life’ Self- Directed Learning Modules
There are eight learning modules set out for you and one 500-word essay to complete.
Each learning Module should take approximately 3.5 hours to complete including the reading.
Overall, it should not take more than 28 hours to complete all eight modules.
We expect to receive the completed modules within three months of your receipt.
The primary aim for you as learners is to effectively apply the principles of palliative care in your workplace environment and provide excellent end of life care.
You will see core links/references/videos that are key to your learning and you will see additional resourceswhich are there for you to access should you wish to build upon your learnings.
The self-directed learning package will have key elements throughout each module with access to key resources, best practice evidence and research articles, self-reflection, quizzes, and case studies.
The Topics need to be done in this order to maximize the learning for each module. You can write the 500-word essay at any time throughout the course.
The language of ‘Palliative Care’ and ‘End of Life Care’ will be inter-changed throughout the modules due to different language being used across the world and the wealth of research referring to both as there is a constant cross-over of the language and its meaning.
The word ‘Home’ will refer to wherever the person lives on a regular basis whether it is a Nursing home/Long Term Care facility/living with family or living alone.
Please choose one of the topics below to write your 500-word essay.
You will receive all necessary documents and learning materials for each module to enable completion.
We hope you enjoy this learning experience. Good Luck!