Online Learning
Every Life Matters. Meaning Matters. Moments Matter. People Matter.
Food Glorious Food – Module 5: Observation and Action Plan
Why is this course for me? Sometimes the quickest way to assess the feel of a home or service is to visit at a mealtime.
Food Glorious Food – Module 4: Choice, Control & Challenges
To access this content, you must purchase Meaningful Connections Community Membership.
Food Glorious Food – Module 3: Creativity, Colour & the Senses
To access this content, you must purchase Meaningful Connections Community Membership.
Food Glorious Food – Module 2: Conversations & Connections
To access this content, you must purchase Meaningful Connections Community Membership.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Dementia Care
Being person-centred means getting to know the whole person and what makes them unique. This isn’t about treating everybody the same as it is actually