Person Centred Care Blogs

It’s so much more than just a good hair day!
I’ve tried so hard for years to promote the importance of hairdressing for people living with dementia. There’s so much being written and filmed about

Winter: Why don’t we step outside?
Time spent outside is good for all of us and the great outdoors provides an ever-changing source of interest and entertainment that is available 24/7,

There are long-term care homes and then there are long-term care homes
A husband’s personal perspective of a Butterfly care home in Ontario, Canada I am the Essential Family Caregiver (EFC) for my wife who resides in

It’s not you, it’s me
The word ‘behaviour’ has become a bit of a dirty word in recent times and I’m not quite sure why? I think from time to

Eight Caregiving Maxims for Responding to Perplexing Behaviours
Don’t try and stop people with dementia from doing something just because it isn’t being done ‘properly.’ Don’t take over – give them time to

Behaving badly? – part 2
Understanding behaviour – a psychological perspective Psychology has taken the notion of exploring behaviour as a learned interaction with the environment over time (conditioning) and

Behaving badly? – part 1
The new dirty word of health and social care ‘Mrs X in Rm 22 is bellowing out again’, ‘They often call out, that’s dementia’, X

Meeting someone where they are in the moment
When supporting my mother when caring for her husband Bill with dementia, there were often discussions about the extent to which you should correct a

Dancing to our Own Rhythm
Dancing to our own rhythm At a recent concert out in a park, I was dancing with my partner and friends to one of our