Person Centred Care Blogs

Care Homes Fit for Heroes? This means meeting people’s emotional needs first.
Shortly after World War One, whilst the Spanish Flu pandemic was in full effect, the First Housing Act in the United Kingdom was introduced following
Daren Felgate
24 January, 2022

‘Never Give Up’ – Finding Ways to be with People in the Later Experiences of Dementia
I am often asked “What can we do with people in the later stages of dementia?” For me, this is probably the wrong starting point
Sally Knocker
20 December, 2021
Just Doing our Job
During this Coronavirus crisis many front-line care staff are going above and beyond the call of duty to look after those they care for in
Mike Phillips
22 November, 2021

The Essence of Good Care
For most of us we know what it means to live and have purpose in our life and when we see something that we do
Mary Kneale
8 November, 2021

Being a Butterfly in Times of Covid
It is easy to feel overwhelmed with all the depressing things during this strange and frightening time. How can we still express affection and reassurance
Sally Knocker
1 November, 2021