Meaningful Connections Community

New and improved...

At Meaningful Care Matters, we have worked hard to create an online resource for partners working with us in a range of projects in Canada, the UK, Ireland, Australia and Singapore. It’s been an act of love and many, many hours of work, but we are proud of what we’ve created!

We are committed to sharing ideas, inspiration and learning across the care sector, so have decided to offer membership to our Community to the wider care sector. We appreciate that not everyone has the resources to access ‘in-person’ training, so this resource can be a helpful and affordable alternative.
The online Community is divided into 12 topic areas, so it’s much easier to access what you need, especially if you have limited time.

Check out the topics below…

Person Centred Care

Freedom & Control

End of Life

Engaging Mealtimes

Spirituality, Equality & Diversity

Leadership &

Looking after Self &

Supporting Family &

Meaningful Engagement

Environments & Colour



Break it down for me...

Within each of these topics, we have three areas – blogs, courses and other resources.  The courses range from short 1hr ‘Toolbox talks’ to full accredited modular courses of 30 hours which can be taken over a few months.    

Our topics are varied, relevant and thought provoking and examples include ‘The Language of Feelings & Emotions’, ‘Enabling Positive Risk-Taking’, ‘Personhood in Leadership’, ‘Creating a Positive Late Stage Dementia Service’ and ‘Food Glorious Food’.

We have designed content for members with busy lives so that you can dip into the site whether you have 15 minutes to read a blog, an hour to listen to a presentation or a whole day to treat yourself to some new learning and reflection.

Download the MCC Brochure

MCC Membership

Everything you need in one place
£294 per user / per year incl. tax
  • Over 30 courses
  • 100+ blogs
  • Videos, articles & more
  • Podcasts
  • Training resources
  • 10% discount on training & shop purchases

The origins of Live, Love and Laugh comes from poem Success (Stanley:1904). The poem is about the legacy of life and we believe contains a guide for living life where we are free to be me.  The poem has inspired the blog for our community, and we have adapted the original poem to encapsulate our dream of inspiring a legacy.

Four blogs uploaded monthly with different monthly themes. 

Adapted Version – Meaningful Care Matters, © 2020
We have achieved success,
We who live well, laugh often and love much,
We who enjoy the trust of others, the respect of each other and love of people in our community.

We have a dream, we fill a niche and accomplish more than tasks alone,
Our goal to leave the world better than we found it whether by a smile, 
A perfect poem, or a rescued soul.

To never lose sight of appreciation of Earth’s beauty or fail to express it; 
To always look for the best in others and give the best of ‘me’; 
To live life with the hope of inspiration, making memories not lost to time.

Original version Bessie Anderson Stanley, © 1904, Public Domain


Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.

Blog Excerpts...

Tips to Build Your Resillience

Being self-compassionate is such a core component of resilience. How do you talk to yourself? You need to treat yourself in the way you treat the people you care about the most. The way you talk to yourself should be emotionally warm and supportive; as opposed to cold, harsh and critical. If you find yourself putting yourself down and being overly self-critical, this will lead to shame. Research has shown this can activate our sympathetic nervous system, which mobilises us for threat, releases cortisol and adrenaline in our bodies, and triggers our fight, flight, freeze, or flop response. When we criticise ourselves our heart rate and blood pressure increase, and our digestive system is negatively affected. Our brains just don’t work properly in these conditions as we can’t think clearly and we hone our attention to focus on threat, which builds anxiety and fear of failure. This means you are less likely to take risks, try new things and learn from past experiences – all important for resilience building. To be resilient we need to be mostly operating under our para-sympathetic nervous system. This is the nervous system that kicks in when we feel calm, safe and grounded and helps us to think clearly, make good decisions and healthy choices and have a flexible perspective. It also improves our immune system functioning and increases our heart rate variability – which means the heart can react to different situations, rather than be stuck in a high or low pattern.

Appreciating the Talents and Contributions of Your Whole Team

I was doing an observation in a care home in Wales as part of their yearly ‘Butterfly’ accreditation.    There was a lovely, relaxed breakfast happening with lots of chat.  This is often a hectic time of day for care workers supporting people to get up, so I was surprised to see that there were several members of the team sitting at the breakfast table drinking tea and eating toast with people. It emerged that these team members included the housekeeper, the maintenance man and the office administrator, who all saw it as part of their role to share the breakfast experience with people, whilst the carers were busy.

The same maintenance man was a great character and throughout the day created amazing magic moments with people.  At one point, he came into the living room and announced with suitable drama that he was “looking for a new wife”, and lots of laughter and chat resulted about who might be a suitable bride!  At another point, he came in with a bag of tools and a broken chair and asked one of the men to give him a hand with re-screwing the leg back on the chair.  The man did this with great enjoyment and focus and they then had a beer together to celebrate their achievement.

An interactive forum for all members of the community to engage, share, collaborate and connect. This is the power of community through an online chat which has no borders and spreads the globe.  From Australia to Canada, the United Kingdom and beyond we can connect and learn experientially through each other.

There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.

Life is a continuous experience of lessons.  Our Let’s Learn platform provides a variety of learning opportunities based in the experiences of real life circumstances and situations.  Our approach to learning is like the principles of person centredness. 

We keep it real, it’s about people.
Our programs always come back to how is this going to support the best in people for people. It’s about real life application in a way which is meaningful and matters.

We provide a coordinated and personalised learning opportunities.
We offer a variety of learning pathways so you can navigate what resonates the best with you.  You have choice and variety in meeting your learning objectives.

We enable through experience
Enablement comes from turning learning into action.  Through our debriefing exercises and practical application ideas you are charged with the responsibility of examining your own behaviours and attitudes in your everyday lived experience.

Level 1 includes...

A short informative educational presentation which can be used for your own personal development or in a group setting. Designed to be completed within 60 minutes these talks are powerful tools to remain updated and informed on topics of interest when you are short of time.

Three toolbox topics delivered annually

A blended program using resources such a s a voice over power point, interviews with subject matter experts and a series of questions delivered through a online learning platform which will support your learning throughout the program.
Two sixty-minute online webinars annually

Level 2 includes Level 1 components plus...

A multidimensional program based on current best practice research, a short power point presentation and guided questions to demonstrate learning on the topic.  These are designed to be completed at a pace which is right for you and encourages you to translate your learning into practice through practical application exercises.
One comprehensive package developed annually

Level 3 includes Level 1 and 2 components plus...

A comprehensive education resource designed to be completed over a twelve-week period. Designed in a modular format these courses will be delivered through an online learning platform and provide comprehensive and detailed insight into the topics which involve a high level of academic rigour.  With the option to complete academic assessments (moderated by an academic consultant) these learning courses will provide a deep dive into the subject through a variety of learning mediums.
One online learning course will be released annually

The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.

Meaningful Musings are a collection of various resources, tools, and writings from various sources which encourage you to reflect and consider their content in your lived experience and that of your workplace. Whether you agree, disagree, or agree to disagree the collection will certainly result in contemplative thought.

This area of our portal is simply a collection of materials which you may find useful in the quest for personal development, knowledge and application of person-centred practices.

What we plant in the soil of contemplation we shall reap in the harvest of action.

Our resource portal will provide access to various tools and resources developed by Meaningful Care Matters in supporting The Butterfly Approach® or The Dragonfly Approach® in action.  These resources are not publicly available and only accessible through this community or via engagement with a MCM program.

You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you!

A reflection resource based on a literary finding which allows for contemplation, reflection, and the consideration of how you can make practical applications to practice.  This is about translating things practically in a way which is meaningful for you using critical reflective practice.
Three reflective practice exercises annually

What we focus on outside is a reflection of what we feel inside.

This program is a bespoke development based on your needs and goals from our Coach Approach® resources.  It will support you to further your leadership capacity and capability, achieve your leadership goals and implement person centred leadership practices in action. Members will receive 2 one hour online coaching sessions as well as 3 tools selected from our Coach Approach® resources for personal use.

The quest to being better versions of ourselves is the ultimate never ending story.

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