Consultancy Collaborative

a helping hand
Our aim is to partner with you and enable your success, vision and service to be the best it can be.

“You’d have thought that running a care home for over 40 years would mean we’re experienced enough to deal with most things, but with updates to regulations, an increasingly diverse workforce, and ever-evolving best practice, the Meaningful Care Matters’ operational consultancy is our one-stop shop for peace of mind. We’ve had invaluable support for everything from an impartial and objective review of an incident, to advice on how to create a three-year strategy for the development of the whole home – it’s more than consultancy, it’s the equivalent of a reassuring hug.”
– Charlie Hoare, Managing Director, The Huntington & Langham Estate
Partnering with you
We have a diverse team of people who are experienced in supporting success in the many facets of health and social care settings. Our experience ranges from senior management levels, as well as operations and regulatory compliance in all aspects of health and social care, across small, medium and large organisation.
This experience has enabled us to support operational excellence by assisting you to develop systems and processes which achieve compliance without compromising meaning, moments and mattering as the foundation of care culture.
We can provide you and your organisation with consultancy support to achieve operational excellence, compliance management, stakeholder engagement and business development.
Whatever your business needs are, we are here to help with:
- Strategic plan development
- Operational business planning
- Modelling and support for operational managers
- Stakeholder engagement | The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth
- Independent reviews
- Compliance support
Organisational Development
We can help you to develop your systems and processes and further build on what you have established to support your business needs. We can facilitate improvements in your organisational performance, complementing your own resources and support developing businesses.
Working alongside us you can expect:
- Experience and support for the best business outcomes.
- A pathway to build organisational resilience and wellbeing in your team.
- A robust understanding of governance frameworks, including regulatory bodies, accreditation bodies and other mainstream quality organisations which support your social and healthcare business.
- Management and leadership experience to better support decision making.
- Strategic planning and operational planning experience.
- People management expertise that supports restructuring and improved performance.
- Effective leadership with confidence to make a positive difference.
Operational Support
We know within health and social care the only constant is change. We navigate a complex landscape of legislation, regulation, policy, procedures, and challenges which impact our operational efficiency and effectiveness.
By engaging our services through ‘The Consultancy Collaborative’ we partner with you to take steps to engage those who need to lead and deliver business drivers and metrics to sustain and improve organisational performance.
We can help by:
- ‘Surfacing’ and diagnosing current and desired organisational cultures
- Developing policies and procedures to assist your business processes and governance
- Embedding new behaviours through realigning systems and processes
- Building board teams & effective partnership working with executives
- Developing skills and capacity
- Undertaking stakeholder engagement to assist in developing strategic plans and reinvigorating your vision whilst maintaining a contemporary edge
If culture eats strategy for breakfast, then our strategy should be culture.
Peter Drucker (Management consultant, educator and author) famously said, ‘organisational culture eats strategy for breakfast’. The challenge is we need to describe the culture in order to change it. Strategic planning is key in being able to facilitate culture change, capability, capacity resilience and sustainability. These are inseparable and critical to achieve success.
If we are to create a sustainable solution for innovative care cultures which are connected, engaging, meaningful and purposeful, we need to ensure our strategy and culture are aligned. These are the core elements of innovation in care settings to adapt and respond to people’s needs.
Our team assists with strategic planning and development by understanding the organisational culture and committing to work with you, your team and the people who engage with your service.
Make culture the strategy of the future for your service.