The Learning Lenses
Events Calendar
Education Calendar
Person Centred Care is not a new concept. Looking through a different learning lens will open discussions on the validity of theory, practice and application of learning topics but also encourage you to challenge yourself.
As you participate in our learning lenses courses, we ask you to expect the unexpected. That’s where we find the real meaning and connection to ‘be the change we are desiring to create’.
- Expect to be challenged.
- Expect to be confronted.
- Expect a different lens of learning which may challenge preconceived ideas.
- Be open minded and willing to embrace a differing perspective.
- Be prepared to ‘BE’ the change rather than ‘DO’ a change management process.
- Be open to reflection.
- Be aware that the only person who can alter your opinion, is YOU.
Meaningful Leadership
Venue: CityCoast Centre,
North Street, Portslade, Brighton B41 1DG
Arrival: 9am
Course Duration: 9.30am – 4.30pm
Cost: £750
Booking Form: Meaningful Leadership
Course: Meaningful Leadership
Venue: South East
Duration: 5 Days
Free to be me - South East
Venue: CityCoast Centre,
North Street, Portslade
Brighton & Hove BN41 1DG
Arrival: 9am
Course Duration: 9.30am – 4.30pm
Free to be me - Midlands
Venue: Jury’s Inn Birmingham,
245 Broad Street, B1 2HQ
Arrival: 9am
Course Duration: 9.30am – 4.30pm